I am on vacation in Newfoundland, Canada for 2 weeks. It is so beautiful here: rugged, the people warm and friendly. I have gone from being a hostess to a guest and it is difficult to switch roles. I find myself stripping my bed, stacking my dishes...lol. Your place is on my bucket list.

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Lost in your words i come to realising what summer we had is over and grateful our winter easing in Cyprus is very close. Snuggle up when you can and enjoy the fast approaching ‘only us’

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Rebecca Jones

I'm so happy to see myself in one of your photos! Happy because I had the wonderful experience of visiting the Chateau and meeting you both, it was a real treat, exceeding expectations. We both enjoyed the salmon Niçoise and I'm going to try that myself next time we have guests - delicious.

We missed the storm although we weren't that far away in Le Mans that evening. France must be having some freak weather conditions as the morning of the day we arrived at the Chateau there had been a cloudburst in Dieppe and as we attempted to navigate the Pyrenees on our way back to Spain the road was closed due to a bridge being washed away when a river burst its banks.

We're now back home and our garden is showing all the signs of having been neglected for 8 weeks so I'll be thinking of you as I pull up giant weeds and mourn the plants that didn't survive.

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Sep 8Liked by Rebecca Jones

Such a beautiful read , like the look of your tomato tart, going to give it a try. Take care x

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Sep 8Liked by Rebecca Jones

You put into words the arrival of autumn so beautifully. Every time I read one of your posts, I marvel at the beauty you create around you, and vow to follow your lead in the garden, but procrastination sits on my shoulder. Often I feel like I'm walking beside you, smelling the rain, appreciating the flowers - everything so familiar and yet so far away. The sign of a really good writer. Warm greetings from a grey and misty south Devon.

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Sep 8Liked by Rebecca Jones

Another lovely read ,we just returned from a month at our house in France my garden here is in need of some attention but it will have to wait it is so wet and today it has never stopped raining will have to try your recipe sounds lovely x

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Sep 8Liked by Rebecca Jones

A little bit of each of us feels like we are right there with you in your life at the chateau. Your writing is so beautifully thought out and written. Your time of rest will be here soon. Reward yourselves with time off from a busy season before starting your winter projects! You deserve it!

And think seriously about finally putting together a coffee table book with pictures of the chateau and your favorite journal entries. It would be so wonderful to have. I know you can do it…in your spare time.

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Sep 8Liked by Rebecca Jones

Amazing writing Rebecca xx

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Sep 8Liked by Rebecca Jones

One of my daughters has recently taught me and her sister how to clean windows without leaving smears. Ask your Mother or sister to go into Sainsburys and buy you a set of microfibre widow cleaning cloths.

You will use mainly just hot water or if the windows are greasy a smidge of washing up liquid. The first cloth is like scrim. You wet it and wring it out wipe the windows. With the second you dry the windows. This cloth is more silky. Then with a third microfibre cloth I just give them a quick final dry. That is it. I hope it works for you. This also works for tiles and mirrors .

Best wishes Diane

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Sep 8Liked by Rebecca Jones

I loved reading this and can just imagine it all as if I was there. Beautiful writing and what an amazing job you do!

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Bread with hazelnuts and a fresh peach ? Yes please! Simple deliciousness ♥️

You make me long for my tomatoes Bec, but they won’t be in for a while yet as winter has decided to hang around just a while longer. Not too cold but awful wind and rain.

You make me long for some warmth, not too much, just to stop the pain in my bones for a while.

I’m so glad you are listening to your body and resting when you need to. It’s sending you a strong message. Frustrating but necessary, and I have learnt the hard way. Having an auto immune disease for me means a different normal. The last 9 months a steep learning curve but I’m in tune with my body now.

Your home and hospitality are beyond amazing. Please take care and rest that weary body ♥️

Hope the boys have a wonderful year ahead. I still find it hard to reconcile a year that starts in September and not January?

Hope your week gives you a few breaks and some sunshine xx

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Sep 8Liked by Rebecca Jones

This week was so evocative of the turn to Autumn. I was gazing at our fading hydrangeas and Japanese Anemonies as I was reading. Not long now until you switch to off season busy! 😊

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Sep 8Liked by Rebecca Jones

Exactly the same has happened here in the UK with autumn, although Friday was summer like. I don’t mind, I like the slightly cooler weather. I expect you are mentally ticking off the days until October now, I know I would be.

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Sep 8Liked by Rebecca Jones

Just finished reading this week's blog. I am back in my Sunday morning routine!

The tart you made for lunch on Wednesday with your friends sounded lovely. I might attempt to make it soon though I do not have home grown tomatoes. Maybe next year...

Enjoy the rest of September, one of my favourite months. We might still get a few nice days before Autumn arrives.

Have a good week.

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Sep 8Liked by Rebecca Jones

I can tell how weary you are in your writing. Keep going not long now and your house is truly your home again.

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Just put on the tv to see you both in your kitchen. Lovely to see you both again and I hope it brings more bookings as I love all the rooms and the gite. Take care and will see you next year. X

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