Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

I love the relationship you and Tim have with Alain, everyone needs a neighbour like him and everyone needs a neighbour like you two.

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Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

Happy belated anniversary to you both! We also celebrate in the month of August. A great month to be married. This year we celebrated 49 years. That is a long time. I asked Glenn what he was buying me for my anniversary. His reply was: IM TAKING YOU TO FRANCE…TO THE CHATEAU. How lucky I am for 49 years with him, and to finally be able to check off my #1 bucket list trip. We can’t wait to gather at the CHATEAU DE LA RUCHE, meet you, and have a relaxing week. Soon…very soon!

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Not long now!

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Your words resonate. Once my Airbnb is cleaned and restocked, I sit and rock in the chair for a few moments, taking in the old, exposed beams and the scent of lemon before heading home where our busy lives are visible in floors needing swept. My family ask what took you so long. They don't understand the sense of peace I experience there suffused with a healthy dose of daydreaming for what I would like to see next. Like Tim, my spouse isn't ready to hear.

Maybe, we are all the same? Those of us who are lucky to host others in our space, learning to savor what we have created in stolen moments before the busyness of life descends on us again.

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Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

Thank you for transporting me back to my sister’s house in the Gers region of France. I was with her in May when all the surrounding fields were growing broad beans and some with the promise of sunflowers later in the summer. My sister will be here in two weeks, very much looking forward to seeing her again.

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Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

Another lovely read, thankyou Rebecca. The bit about Alain and the eggs reminded me of a story my neighbour told be once when we first moved in to our house: The previous owner popped round to say she was making chicken liver patè and wondered if my neighbour had any chicken livers!! 😀

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 brilliant and très français ♥️

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

Thank you Rebecca for my lovely early morning Sunday read here in Canada. I do so look forward to your weekly journal with all of your images and beautiful words of your hectic life! And happy anniversary! My garden is also quite neglected and straggly as well, so I'm devoting a few hours today to clean it up, harvest yet more cherry tomatoes! Pick more marigolds for a small posy for my kitchen.

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I cannot wait to visit your Chateau. Next year ,hopefully. I love reading your diary and happy anniversary

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Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

Hopefully September will give you a chance to catch your breath. I was wondering if Alain’s cows are dry for the summer, (hence no cream) but can’t remember when his herd normally calve.

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Alain is retired now and his son Francois runs the farm. They’ve never had a dairy herd, they have all beef cattle and they calve end of Decembe/early Jan usually.

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Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

Another lovely read. Sitting in bed looking at the trees blowing in the wind. No sign of the sun. Another wet day forecast so the washing will have to hang inside.😂

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Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

I don’t know how you do it I have had the family staying with us here in France I am sick of cooking cleaning and washing up it was lovely to have them here but nice to have the peace and quiet back

for a few weeks longer x

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I snatch the little glimpses of peace and quiet in between. It’s different to having family and friends stay. We aren’t here to entertain folk (though some think we are 🤪), so we do the caring at the beginning and end of the day, then they are responsible for entertaining themselves for the rest. There’s lots to do in between, the cleaning, cooking etc, but we can do it in relative peace which makes it less draining than having to entertain family and friends and do all the cooking etc. Enjoy your peace though. We have another five weeks to go….

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Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

Every year I ask myself the same question, when does lavender stop being lush and starts looking over the top?

But I can never bear to throw the flowerheads away. I still have some from the summer of 2012 our last one in Devon, and they still smell just as beautiful. I keep them in wooden boxes that I buy in charity shops or at antiques fairs.

One more month to go and you will be able to relax. Leave the jobs and DIY for a month and take time to unwind. You both deserve it!

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We are definitely looking forward to a rest I have to say x

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Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

I think I am in love with Alain!! What a lovely relationship you have with each other!

I hear hints of exhaustion in this post and I DO hope you are OK and that you can take a BIT of time for yourselves soon. Tiredness and frustration do NOT help! I am proving it to myself this morning as I try to work out colours and textures for a speckly helleborus stem I'm painting. Sometimes you just have to walk away and do something else. I have that luxury. YOU two do NOT!! Be good to yourselves. Hugs!

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I think we’re doing ok this year, we think we’re definitely less tired than we were this time last year. But let’s see in five weeks time 🤣. I’m trying so hard to pace myself.

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Oh, DO!!! Don't let yourself burn out!

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Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

As I sit here sipping my coffee and enjoying your journal it surprised me to see that we share the same anniversary. Happy anniversary to you both! We celebrated 53 years on the 21st with a favourite meal cooked at home.

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Happy Anniversary! ♥️

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Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

I find at the moment our garden is looking like guest getting towards the end of a party, still dancing and enjoying themselves BUT looking a bit worse for wear, slightly droopy. I said to my husband last night “I have an idea” his reply “Oh No!”, perhaps at the end of September Tim will be more receptive to talking about the next project, well I hope my husband is ? Thanks always for making my Sunday mornings so much better xx

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Oh I love that! Mine is a bit like a very merry guest at the tail end of a very good wedding!

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Yet another brilliant read , Happy belated Wedding Anniversary . Mike and I will have done 52 years this October, a live time together.

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Aug 25Liked by Rebecca Jones

You’ve got so much to do, but Mark Diancono recently described drying some fig leaves to use as flavouring. They sounded delicious - biscuity, toffee and vanilla all rolled together. Would try it if I had a fig tree!

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Sounds gorgeous!

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