May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

We were there to share some of this week and I did wonder what you did with the leftover food left by your guests - I know how versatile you are Rebecca and know you will have recipes and plans to use whatever you are able too.

We loved our stay good food perfect company and as always exceptional hosts - we hope to do it again at some stage - hope the rest of your season goes well and you get some kind of rest in between - thanks again for your wonderful hospitality. Xx

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It was so lovely to meet you and host you finally Carol. Thanks so much for coming to stay x

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May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

My Sunday read!

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May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

Thank you

It’s so good that you have trusted friends to help you xx

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May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

Beautifully written as always, I am now rummaging in the larder from slightly stale bread, eggs, cinnamon……. Toast just isn’t going to fix the rumbling stomach this morning xxx

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It’s such a lovely breakfast. Xx

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May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

Thank you for your beautifully blog today. I always look forward to hear what you are up to this week.

Here in Canada we are having lots of sunny day with a much needed rain for the farmers.

We live in farm country here in south west Canada.🇨🇦💐

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I bet it’s beautiful where you are. Canada is on my list - but there is so much of it to see.

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May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

Don’t stress about when the blogs are sent-I know I understand if they are a little late - life just gets in the way though I am now intrigued and look forward to hearing why !! Xx

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May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

I may have missed her introduction, but who is Nicky?

Is she a relative and came with you or followed you over? Or an English lady already living in France? I think you’ve also mentioned a friend who helps Tim with his chores?

It must be lovely for them to be in your wonderful surroundings with you. Lucky people xx

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Nicky helps us with cleaning and has done for three years now. She is English and lives locally. She is the only regular help we have. Dale is a friend of Tim’s from school and lived with us for the first two years here and was a huge help with the renovations. He now has his own house about an hour away so pops in to see us fairly regularly.

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May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

Lovely read as always . Thank you. Beautiful walk with Margot, I love your little routine.

When we visited , Margot came running across the lawn to talk to me and rolled over for a tummy tickle. She has amazing patterns on her tummy

My Gertrude Jekyll is in full flower, smells heavenly. I planted an Emily Brontë rose this year , I'm hoping she flowers this year 🤞

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My Gertrude is just opening and it smells awesome! It’s always one of my favourites. X

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May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

I walked with you and Margot today , in my mind. It must energise you so much all those sights, scents and sounds.

You’ve certainly made my week better just thinking about it. This time last year we were in London. Having a belated 60th birthday high tea at The Shard. Feeling a bit homesick and missing our son xx

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You’ll have to make some scones Mel, they do wonders for homesickness ♥️ sending hugs.

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Scones it is! ♥️

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May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

Brief but beautiful, I can’t wait to hear next week’s story 😀

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You really do lead very busy lives, it all sounds so romantic, but very hard work. Your journal sets me up for the week, here in Somerset the sun is out and the garden is blossoming with flowers. Enjoy your week

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Hurrah for sunshine.

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May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

Just love your journal every week you are so busy I’m amazed you have the time. ❤️

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I do a lot of writing in the early hours when I wake up, it’s the only way to fit it in x

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May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

What a busy week Rebecca. The ground is very wet here but gradually warming up now so have left sowing most things later than usual. The weigelas have enjoyed the wet, warm weather and have excelled themselves. The bees are all over them and the cotoneasters horizontals, all originally cuttings from my parents garden. Sunny here today but thunder and rain yesterday afternoon. You, and Tim, need to take some rest time, don’t burn yourselves out. 🥰🥰

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Oooh I used to have a weigelas in my old garden. I don’t have any here. I must add it to my wish list. X

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May 19Liked by Rebecca Jones

Another wonderful read.

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I am late reading your journal again this week. It is Thursday morning. How did that happen? Sometimes I wonder where the hours and days go.

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Thank you 🙏Rebecca a thoroughly enjoyable read as always 😊xx

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