Jun 23Liked by Rebecca Jones

Hi Rebecca, that a nice surprise to see you in Escape to the chateau DIY. I very much love this show. It was in season 7. I have been binging on this show lately , I still can’t do much with my arm .

But hopefully soon. Enjoy seeing you and your husband in action.🇨🇦

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Jun 23Liked by Rebecca Jones

That caramel nut tart looks delicious 😌 Received my email as usual this week after tweaking some settings so it’s all good again 🙂

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Hurrah, so glad you got it sorted.

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Jun 23Liked by Rebecca Jones

So glad the weather is brightens up for you it is here too which means we now have to water the garden

My granddaughter has just turned 14 and is taller than me how time flys x

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It’s crazy how fast they sudddebly grow up 😭

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Jun 23Liked by Rebecca Jones

Sorry I think I’ve just lost my comment about banana peel around roses! Chop up and bury one or two skins around the base of roses. The potassium in them apparently acts as a natural defence. My roses seem to have benefitted enormously this year as they have no sign of black spot!

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I’ll have to try it. Thanks for the tip.

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Jun 23Liked by Rebecca Jones

Thank you Rebecca, can you share your secret of stopping sweet pastry collapsing in the pastry tin, it starts off looking good but very soon it has slid down the sides. The same with shop or homemade.

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I have no secret, mine always shrinks a bit. I try not to stretch it too much and I pop the whole thing in the freezer for five mins before it goes in the oven, that helps a bit. But it always shrinks a bit.

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Jun 23Liked by Rebecca Jones

Licking my lips again at your food descriptions. The tart looks delicious. The apricots luscious.

So busy again. Glad you're getting some help in the garden. The boys also helping is lovely. Growing too quickly I understand, my grandson is 10 in August. Times flies by. Thank you for another lovely read 💙

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Jun 23Liked by Rebecca Jones

My favourite time of the weekend to sit and read your blog. Xx

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Jun 23Liked by Rebecca Jones

We were in Oleron and Nantes last week and got so lucky with the weather - we had a morning of rain in Oleron then rain in Nantes which was ok as we'd planned the machines and museums anyway. But this week saw a return to the rain by the looks of reports.

Something that made a difference to our visit this time was the politics, which was everywhere. I know that you don't tend to delve into that side of the life but I personally find it a fascinating thought of moving somewhere and accepting their politics, or questioning it. On our trip it felt as though France is moving to a place the UK was 5/6 years ago and it made me think about how I'd feel living in that!

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It’s so complicated, you feel torn between two counties, have no say in the county you live in because you can’t vote and try to do what you think is best for your “home” country in case you and your children ever go back. This particular political gamble in France I am not happy about, but we just have to sit and wait and see what happens to our future 🙈

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It must be hard! I take it that once you have full residency you can vote? I know several people that have moved back to the UK, then moved out of the country again within a few years, I think that says it all for us 😉

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Jun 23Liked by Rebecca Jones

A little bit of France in Scotland this morning has made me so happy. All the flowers are super slow this year, hopefully things will speed up soon!

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Laurie is so Tim! Pleased that you now have some help in the garden xx

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Jun 23Liked by Rebecca Jones

Goodness me I feel tired just reading your journal today..thank you the tip on salvia’s will buy some this week..!! have a good week ..🌺

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Jun 23Liked by Rebecca Jones

I have salvia mystic spires growing in between my white roses. They’ve been there for 8 years and still the roses get black spot. Perhaps South African black spot is different to the French?

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I don’t think anything is a magic bullet but everything helps a little. The one thing I do that makes a huge difference is strip all the old leaves off when I prune in winter. It really does help. Hoping the salvias will help even more.

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I’ve shared your saliva tip xx

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Morning from family in Cyprus, definitely summer here. I said summer in UK would start in July looks like it’s on target to be so, similar for you guys too. I’m definitely gonna make the pecan walnut flan but would like to add peaches when would you do that. Hoping the gardeners help will make a difference to some personal time. Hoping for a great summer for you all with more family time ❤️

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I have no idea how you’d add peaches, I’ve never seen that done, sorry I can’t help there.

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I think if they are warmed in syrup and put on base of flan then nuts on top, need deeper dish though 🙏🏼

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That sounds amazing!

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After our holiday it’s nice to read all of you goings on .

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Jun 23Liked by Rebecca Jones

Good morning! Thanks for the tip about salvias, my climbing rose gets black spot now and then so I'll give them a try.

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