Sep 1Liked by Rebecca Jones

Beautiful read as always.. I’m so excited as next week we will actually be staying in Maurice house and so looking forward to it .. have a good week.🌺🌺

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Sep 1Liked by Rebecca Jones

I loved the description of the boys and the last days off before school begins. I think we have all felt that way, and our children too. It’s hard to get back into the “swing of the old routine!”

When I was young, my mom used to hang the American flag 🇺🇸 outside on the front of our house, saying…FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST as we left for our first day back to school. We were grumbling about school again…she was giddy with joy. FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST still makes me smile. I carried it over with my own kids. The flag went up on the first day back…annually!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸. Back to school is a good thing!

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I love your writing. I get a real sense of the ethereal beauty and hard graft that fills your days. Your photos are beautiful too.

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Sep 11Liked by Rebecca Jones

Beautiful pots. Found you this morning. Am looking forward to following your journey. Would love to come and weed for you.

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Sep 4Liked by Rebecca Jones

Beautiful semi melancholy post! The photos are splendid! I especially love the spider’s web . That's one of my favourite things about autumn. Spiderwebs bedizened with dew and backlit ♥️♥️♥️ I see lots here but it is still too hot and dry for much bedizening just yet! I am watering a LOT just to keep some vestiges of the summer in the garden for a while longer!

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Sep 3Liked by Rebecca Jones

I truly hope that you have the help of a gardener soon, Rebecca. In my fantasies, I have turned into a landscape architect/gardener and have created a perfect little walled off garden for your family and friends to enjoy. Sadly, it is only in my mind. I hope that your wish of a private area outside comes true, soon. 💕💕💕

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Sep 2Liked by Rebecca Jones

Too busy on Sunday to have my usual read with my morning tea. So today on our Labor Day in the States, I have enjoyed reading about your week and sipping my tea. You have inspired me to go start some weeding in my own small garden here in CT. Have a wonderful week!

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Sep 2Liked by Rebecca Jones

Beautiful read, really enjoyed your week , take care. X

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Oooh you can sense autumn just like here, it’s a grey misty start today with the promise of sun and fluffy clouds later. Children are clones of one another, I remember ours with the same moans many years ago. I laughed at your opportunistic pulling of weeds, I’m still doing that when I land on our gravel drive. Enjoy the quieter days ahead until you lurch into your next project ❤️

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Sep 1Liked by Rebecca Jones

We are hanging on to the last hours of summer, it like saying goodbye to a well loved friend, but with the autumn comes less heat and less things that sting you! Wishing the boys luck with their new week at school

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Sep 1Liked by Rebecca Jones

You can tell autumn is on its way as soon as the spiders webs appear glistening with dew. The lawn was sprinkled with them two days ago! Not so keen on mist and drizzle though ☹️ makes everything just too wet to be able to work in the garden. I’ve never sown bedding plant seeds at this time of year, might give it a go. It’s lovely that you enjoy having your boys at home, I always wished the holidays were longer. At least being a teacher we had the same time off. 🥰

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Sep 1Liked by Rebecca Jones

Hi our family have just left and we are here for a few more days then we shut the house up and start the long drive home ,then I will be busy weeding and planting winter flowering pansies and bulbs a job I love x

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Sep 1Liked by Rebecca Jones

It’s end of summer here too and the Air Show on the last weekend of the CNE. Labour Day tomorrow and first day of school here too on Tuesday. We all change gears now and cruise into Autumn and Winter. I am painting hard, trying to finish a portrait of an Ice and Roses Picotee hellebore before the big garden cleanup is upon me. Good luck to you and Tim, Rececca. Try to get a BIT of a break.

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Sep 1Liked by Rebecca Jones

Brian is such a handsome cat….and he knows you are taking a photo of him I bet 😏. We have bats too….luckily they stay in the garden!

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Sep 1Liked by Rebecca Jones

I know it is all hard but it beats working in an office and then coming home to cook, clean, garden, shop and deal with children. In an office you have to put up with those you’re not so keen on, have bosses who are demanding and ungracious but as you have said, awkward guests are far and few between. I no longer have these challenges (though I quite understand re the gardening bit as I have an allotment and garden to tend to) and would happily come and spend a week or two helping in the garden if you wish - just let me know (and I don’t eat much!!!) xx

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The pictures dotted throughout this post are absolutely incredible, combined with your beautiful words...what a magical life x

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