A knob of butter and a tsp sugar well rubbed in your hands before washing them after gardening will clean and make them very soft, a trick my dad taught me he was a mechanic.

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Good tip I'll try it out - thank you. Though I'll be very tempted to lick my fingers!!

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Jun 9Liked by Rebecca Jones

I'm enjoying this week's read while in the queue for the ferry back to the UK from Cherbourg. It was so lovely to meet you both and spend a few days enjoying the château and grounds - and of course your delicious food! Everything was superb and we really do hope to return. Thanks again and I look forward to next week's journal. Tx

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Thanks so much for your kind words Trudi and your gorgeous review - we really appreciate it. x

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You're very welcome, well deserved. x

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Jun 9Liked by Rebecca Jones

Good morning Rebecca, thanks for your latest blog. I am alway sad when it’s the end😕

Your food sound so delicious.Hopefully you get lots more flowers.

It’s nice to the your boys are helping out.

My granddaughter who’s nine came for the day to help me out. I have four more weeks of recovery of my shoulder.🇨🇦🥰

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I hope the shoulder is easing Margie, how lovely to have your granddaughter come and help. Some of my favourite childhood memories are of helping my grandma, it was such a special time.

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Jun 9Liked by Rebecca Jones

Glad Penny is warmer now, after weeks of cold and rain we finally have sunshine here and what a difference it makes. But between the elements, the rabbits and slugs the garden has taken a battering, not helped by our rogue Jack Russell who sat on the rhubarb and ate some of the strawberries. Your journey is my Sunday morning treat, and the best way to start my day xxxx

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The slugs, my goodness the slugs have been awful this year haven't they. And now the birds are eating all the cherries. Monty loves to pick his own raspberries bless him and blackberries too when they're ripe.

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Jun 9Liked by Rebecca Jones

Lovely description of your busy life in such a gorgeous space. Always takes me right back to our fabulous stay with you in 2022! xo

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Jun 13Liked by Rebecca Jones

Always an enjoyable read. Wishing I could be in France. At the same time loving living here in S Gloucestershire Good Wishes

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What a joy to discover your beautiful substack. Looking forward to following along.

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Welcome! So glad you found my journal, I hope you'll enjoy it x

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Wonderful account of your days spent lovingly nurturing your corner of heaven. Im very late reading your journal for the third week running. So busy in the garden finishing projects. Again im treated to beautiful visions and smells. A lime tree has me wondering what a delight the fragrance must be. Oh that Saturday bread yum yum, thank you for the delight of your writing xx

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It's a busy time of year in the garden isn't it, hard to find time for anything else.

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I’m in Cyprus at family. Gardening here is another experience ❤️🤣

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Jun 12Liked by Rebecca Jones

Your description of the memories that the smell

of hay evokes reminds me of when we were young and my mam taking us potato picking, and having our packed lunch sat on the top of hay bales then jumping down , lovely memories xx

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Gorgeous memories!

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Jun 12Liked by Rebecca Jones

I am now caught up on your journal. Great read as usual.

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Jun 11Liked by Rebecca Jones

I just absolutely LOVE reading your writings! It is So pure and real and gritty with Life! I LOVE IT and I know you will write a book someday people with savor with beautiful pictures from your French retreat! Brava and bravo to you all! SO much love and thanks for the inspiration and for bringing me to such a beautiful experience through your writing and sharing. I'm SO grateful! Aloha Nui Loa, Sarah

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Thank you so much Sarah, what kind words - I'm so glad you're enjoying my journal. x

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Jun 10Liked by Rebecca Jones

Once again transported to your little piece of heaven. Thank you Rebecca for taking the time out of your busy life to write this each week. X

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Jun 10Liked by Rebecca Jones

Please tell me more about this hedge laying on a bed of straw, I have never come across this.

While I was reading about your lovely garden in June, I totally forgot about the rain beating down hard on our conservatory.

Keep up the good work xx

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More details in this week's journal - but we have to follow some strict guidelines to get the grant for the hedge. The straw is mulch to kill off grass and weeds and feed the soil so the hedging plants have the best chance of survival. We only get the grant if the hedge survives.

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Jun 10Liked by Rebecca Jones

Such a lovely journal and thanks for the photo of Penny. I've printed it for Meg to keep! We really need to visit again soon. Lots of love x

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Ahhh lovely Meg - tell her penny sends her hugs.

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Jun 9Liked by Rebecca Jones

Penny is a cutie…hooray for summer 😘 It isn’t just France where local authorities have you head in hands, all you can do is keep engaging regularly that way you will be top of the list 🙂 Vx

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Jun 9Liked by Rebecca Jones

Thank you once again for your wonderfully detailed images that you paint with words. I wish you both every success with securing the grant for your hedge. Stay well. Love and respect from Lynne in Australia.

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