Sep 15Liked by Rebecca Jones

Just a thank you for sourcing your bread and croissants locally instead of serving those that are mass produced! I'm headed to my own favorite bakery today to meet a friend and pick up some croissant and other goodies 😋 I'll be thinking of your lucky guests as I eat them 😂

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Sep 15Liked by Rebecca Jones

Dear Rebecca, Fall is a gorgeous time of year. Thank you for the picture of Penny. She is a beautiful cat. Her colors are incredibly stunning. I am glad Margot has come back home again. She is a wanderer! Do all of your animals have chips put in them? The vet does that and it has their name and address on it so if they get lost and are taken to a veterinarian they can easily find out to whom they belong. I don’t remember reading about Brian. Is he a newer cat? Lucky you to have three cats and a dog. They are such good company. The croissants make my mouth water as Marzipan is one of my favorite sweets and the almond paste must be similar. In fact, you have given me a good idea for breakfast this morning. Enjoy your week. Love, Diana

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We have five cats, Penny, who is the eldest and very much queen bee. She came with us from England. Then Brian and Steve, who are brothers and then the two sisters Tilly and Margot. And then Monty of course.

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Sep 15Liked by Rebecca Jones

Those croissants sound wonderful ! Almond frangipan? Do you make it?

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I do indeed, the recipe is here https://chateaudelaruche.com/almond-croissants/ ♥️

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Sep 17Liked by Rebecca Jones

Oh Thank you They look amazing Will be baking these x

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5 hrs agoLiked by Rebecca Jones

Love all the cats featuring heavily in this one! Our cat died in March and we miss her dreadfully, so I hoover up cat stories and photos at the moment!

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Sep 17Liked by Rebecca Jones

Lovely read as usual, and thank you for the great picture of Brian.

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Sep 17Liked by Rebecca Jones

Wait.. I found out.. decided to read one day in the post on the day of the week.. 😌 By the way, is Margot's name inspired by "The Queen Margot"? 🤩

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We got Tilly and Margot at the same time, I wanted to name them Margot and Geri, a play on Margot and Jerry from the British Tv show The Good Life but I got overruled by a small boy who wanted to call his kitten Tilly. So Margot and Tilly they became.

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Thank you Rebecca for another lovely Sunday read (re-read this Monday morning in a quiet house!). Penny is beautiful! After reading about your mouth watering Thursday breakfast of tomatoes, eggs and baguette, I promptly picked more late ripening cherry tomatoes and made a late breakfast of them with leftover orzo salad and boiled eggs.

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Sep 16Liked by Rebecca Jones

Penny is a little cutie 🙂 Our elderly 17 yo Siamese Noah (sorely missed even after nearly two years) loved his heated pad even on the hottest of days. Many a time I too wished I could fit in his basket and while away the day. More skirting to paint today though…whoop de whoop. Have a hopefully sunny and dry week 🙂

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We invested in a heated pad for her just last week after seeing how much she loved the hot water bottle. She has spent the rest of the week going for heat pad to pillow to cool off when she gets too warm. A very happy kitty.

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Sep 15Liked by Rebecca Jones

Thank you for the lovely photo of Penny, just wish that I was going to visit soon for more cuddles with her. Not long before the end of the season and you and Tim will be able to have a well deserved rest. Take care x

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Sep 15Liked by Rebecca Jones

Thank you for a wonderful three day break, you made our time spent at the Chateau so special. Hope to visit again. Wendy & Neil

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Sep 15Liked by Rebecca Jones

I wish there were more Sundays in the week to look forward to your beautiful writing 😁

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Ahh thank you - you can always go back and read the old entries 😉 - you can find them all here https://rebeccaljones.substack.com

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Sep 15Liked by Rebecca Jones

The nights are drawing in here too and our heating has clicked on I fear that is it ,loads to do in the garden too but the fine days are coming to an end so I fit gardening in when I can x

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Sep 15Liked by Rebecca Jones

Thank you for your stories of Chateau life.

In my younger days something like that would have been a dream now we get to hear your dream life lol

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Sep 15Liked by Rebecca Jones

Thank you 🙏 I really enjoyed reading this !! Love your croissant 🥐 recipe will have to try it ! 😊

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Here’s the full recipe Karen https://chateaudelaruche.com/almond-croissants/

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Sep 17Liked by Rebecca Jones

Thank you 🙏😊 Yum!!

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Sep 15Liked by Rebecca Jones

Not long until you both can relax , you work so hard every day , making things perfect for your guests. Fresh croissants etc are one of the joys of being in France , I totally agree , you must support local producers 💙

Naughty Margot , disappearing again. Delicious food and lovely flowers , never ending weeds and spiders. We have cobwebs everywhere too 💙

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Another brilliantly written journal Rebecca with amazing photos that bring back so many memories of our stays in your Chateau. Particularly love the photo of Penny as she basks in the sun lost in her own perfect world. Hope the weather continues to be kind to you until the end of the season. Xx Jane

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